Monday, August 17, 2009

My Hubby

August 17, 2009

So, I'm a cougar!! I married a younger man. I'm 2 whole months older than Case and he loves it.
I don't know which picture I find sexier. This one where Case has just changed a poopy diaper...

or this one where he's finishing the dishes. Yes, you should all be jealous of me because he does this kind of stuff ALL the time!! Lucky Lucky me!

Today is Casey's 34th birhday, so in honor of that I'm going to do all the husbands tags that have been thrown my way the last few months. I'm combining them in to the biggest tag ever. So, here is everything you probably never wanted to know about Case.......

1. How did you meet? A blind date---set up by one of his former flames

2. When is your engagement anniversary? December 5th

3. When is your wedding anniversary? March 9, 2001

4. How long have you known your spouse? 9 years

5. How long did you date before you got engaged? 5 months before we set the date, 7 months before it was "official" with a ring

6. What is your spouses full name? Casey R.A. Smith (yes, he has initials for a middle name)

7. Who said I love you first? Me

8. Do you have any kids? Yes--4

9. What do you like to do together? Watch sports and travel

10. Do you have a favorite vacation spot? Um...we wish we traveled enough to actually have a favorite spot!

11. Where did you go for your honeymoon? Kauai--it was so fun.

12. Where were you married? SLC Temple

13. What is your favorite feature of his? His smile

14. What is your favorite quality of his? His optimism, that he's a hardworker, his priorities, he's very nonjudgmental and that he rarely says anything negative about anyone.

15. Does he have a nickname for you? Babelicious, Lish, Sweetie

16. What is his favorite food? Pizza or anything that is so freakin hot I can't even look at it. Note: Neither one of his choices are things that I cook!

17. What is his favorite sport? Golf, but he loves to play all sports

18. When and where was your first kiss? On the couch at his parents house--one month after we started dating-.

19. Does he have a hidden talent? He can sing Rubber Duckie like noone else and my kids love it

20. What's his favorite type of music? 80's rock--yea baby!!

21. What do you admire most about him? That he takes such good care of our kids. He always wants to spend time with them. He's a FABULOUS daddy and that means the most to me.

22. Who is taller? Him--unless I have on a great pair of heels then I am

23. Who is smarter? That depends on the subject!

24. Who is more sensitive? ME ME ME

25. Who does the laundry? Both of us. If I get behind he'll keep on switching loads for me and dump them into my folding pile. I do all the folding and all the ironing except his--he's too picky and I get so nervous I railroad track his sleeves and stuff. He also helps me put the laundry away because I LOVE to do the wash and fold the clothes, but I hate hate hate to put it away.

26. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Case

27. Who pays the bills? Me

28. Who cooks more? ME--although Case is getting really good at pancakes, peanut butters, and mac n cheese.

29. Who is more stubborn? We both are that's for sure

30. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Me--he would never admit to anything unless I do it first. That took me a couple years to figure out, but now even if I KNOW I'm right and I know he KNOWS I'm right, I still apologize first. I guess that makes him more stubborn!

31. Who is more clean? Is there such a thing with 4 kids??

32. Who wears the pants? I think we have a very equal partnership. That's one of the things I love best about our relationship

33. Who eats more sweets? ME

34. Guilty pleasures? Ben and Jerry's half-baked ice cream!

OK--if you actually read all that I'm impressed. Now I don't have to feel guilty about all these lingering tags.

Happy Birthday Sweetie!! I love your guts!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Monday, July 6th
Tonight I went for a run around the Bountiful temple. I was so caught up in the beauty of the sunset. The deep oranges and purples reflecting off the lake just took my breath away.
I remembered A LOT of things while I was on my jog. I remembered that I need to mail the car payment, I remembered that I need to post something nice about myself, I remembered why I missed Bountiful so much and why I spent seven years longing for it's beauty, I remembered a family home evening with the kids, and I remembered what it feels like to be ME. After 2 long years, there have been several times that I've wondered if I would ever have that feeling again. Tonight I did.
It was fantastic, brilliant, wonderful, happy, motivating, and energizing. It was...ME!
I was so excited that I felt like I needed to reintroduce me to me and I did--over and over again. I kept telling myself--"This is you...this is you...this is you!" I hope I got the point because I really like having ME around.
A few weeks ago, we had FHE on the grounds of the Bountiful Temple. We talked about eternal families and told the kids how we met, fell in love, what we love about each other, and how wonderful it is to be sealed in the temple.
When it was Casey's turn to tell the girls about meeting me and what he liked about me, I was listening very eagerly to hear all the nice things about me. Unfortunately, I spent more time trying to keep the boys IN the temple gates, but OUT of the water fountains. I did manage to hear a few tidbits and this is what he said.
The first time he came to my house to get me, Case remembers me walking across the landing and coming down the front stairs. As I came floating down the stairs he thought I was so tall and gorgeous with my dark hair and dark eyes. I had to smile when he said he thought I was tall because I remember thinking he was so short--which he can't believe. After meeting his dad and brothers, I can understand why he "thinks" he's tall. The girls just thought this was so "romantic" and were beaming with smiles from ear to ear. I've always liked my brown hair and hazel eyes and even more since that is what got me my handsome man.
So, here are 3 nice things about myself
1. I'm tall--but not too tall
2. I have dark eyes--just wish they were bigger
3. I have dark hair--good thing too because I couldn't handle the root thing
So, here's to the tall, dark-eyed, dark-haired ME--who actually showed up this week. I'm so glad to have ME back!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Little Get Away

Case had a conference in Vegas this week. They were putting him up in a 5 star hotel, so he thought I could get away and relax for a few days. He actually told me to bring some work from the office because he thought I'd be bored hanging out by myself all day. Who is he kidding?? 4 days just to relax...they flew by!!!

I slept in every morning (if you can call 7 or 8 sleeping in). I would head to the gym for a couple hours, then head to the pool and read.
Then I would come back and take a nap in the most comfortable bed I've slept in, wake up for dinner and snuggle up in bed to read some more.

It may not seem like fun to you, but it was so fun for me to be so relaxed.

It was also fun to spend a little time with Case. Thanks Sweetie for letting me tag along. I had a fabulous week doing absolutely nothing!! And thanks Grandma and Nick & Annie for taking care of my little treasures.

Did I mention that I slept and read---A LOT!?!?!

And then, I returned to Paradise!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Vision

One day I was telling Casey about vision boards (as seen on Oprah of course). He has been on me for months to get some boards to put our "visions" on. I'm hoping that posting this blank board will actually motivate me to fill it up with things I hope to happen.
(See Melissa, I really was painting and sanding)

Coupon Geek!!

I have turned into the BIGGEST coupon geek!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

He Remembered!!

He remembered!! Case actually remembered my "mom" day. He had an early tee time for a tournament at Valley View this morning. When I came up to make breakfast, there were 2 boxes of doughnuts sitting on the counter!! He hasn't been the most sensitive soul this week, so I am more than thrilled he remembered--and made the trek to the grocery store at 6 am. I guess it balances out the week!! Even better was hearing Livie ask Hallie if she was going to have another doughnut and Hallie saying "No, there's way too much sugar in these. I'll have something healthy." Too bad Diddy didn't get the memo--he can't shovel the doughnuts in fast enough!! I gotta run--I don't need to waste the day doing this.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Mother's Day Wish

I know the girls have made me Mothers Day presents at school and they are so excited to give them to me. The other night, Hallie asked me what I wanted Daddy to give me for Mother's Day. As soon as she asked, I immediately had this thought come into my brain---I just want to spend the whole Saturday playing with my kids and just being a MOM!!! No cooking, no cleaning, no yardwork, no billing, no errands, nothing, but playing with the kids. Case told me I better make sure everything else is done by Friday night.....whatever!! I can't wait to spend the day reading books, playing games, running outside and doing whatever else the kids want to do with ME!! Hallie told me she would make sure there was no fighting, so I could have a great day taking care of my children. Yay--I can't wait. This will be the best Mothers Day ever!!

Friday, May 1, 2009


It seriously feels like my hubby is fast becoming a stranger. We have spent 5 of the last 6 weeks with some serious sick bugs at our house. When we're full of bugs, it's ALL about the kids. The boys just cry and cry. They cry if you pick them up, they cry if you put them down, they cry if you even turn your head---and they don't sleep well. I've had my fair share of all-nighters this last month. To make matters worse, Case and I keep getting sick and we seem to be bad on the same days. It's all we can do to keep things together sometimes. The other thing that has been hard is that ALL 4 of them were sick at the same time and 4 kids and 1 lap just don't mix. By the time I got the kids to the doc and diagnosed on Monday, I was at my whits end--I was averaging about 2 hours of sleep a night for the last few nights. As soon as I found out everyone was really sick, I got in my car and started crying because I was so relieved to know what was wrong and I was ready for medicine!!!
That night, Case and I were kind of short with each other because the constant crying was really getting nerve-racking. We couldn't take it out on the kids, so we were kind of taking it out on each other. The next morning I woke up to find an email from Case saying when he got home from work, I was to get out of the house and not come home until I was ready. I started to cry when I read that because I knew Case was just as exhausted as me and it meant the world to me that he realized how bad things had been and he wanted me to feel some relief. I went to the office at 8:00 that night and stayed until 5:30 am--it felt so good to be busy and to actually see a task get completed. Even though things have been horrible this week, all I can think about is Case thinking of me. That actually makes things seem all better.
It has been a long week. I've been pretty sick, so I've been sleeping on the couch, so I don't get Case sick. Tonight I went in to kiss him goodnight and he was like "what are you doing." Yes, we've been sooo preoccupied with sick kids that a kiss goodnight was totally out of the norm. I think I need to plan a fun night to get to know this stranger I call my husband. Maybe then, I'll feel like a wife again too because right now, I feel like a professional snot wiper.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Something Nice?? About Me??? Hmmmmm

I'm told on a daily basis that I'm "just too hard on [myself]." I don't find that to be one bit true. I like to think I'm constantly working on improving myself. When I told this to my friend, she suggest that I work on saying nice things about myself--she even challenged me to do a weekly post stating something I like about myself and include an example. I've accepted the challenge and have found that this is going to be so hard for me. I don't think I can do once a week, but maybe twice a month. Here goes C.
A few weeks ago I received a "Daily Gem" email with this quote. When I read it, I actually forwarded it to Case and told him that here is something I think I'm good at. I think he was excited to hear me say something positive about myself. I know he wishes I would do it more. The quote says....

“What can. . .young mother[s] [do]. . .to reduce the pressure [of raising young children] and enjoy [their families] more?. . . Recognize that the joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction. Author Anna Quindlen reminds us not to rush past the fleeting moments. She said: ‘The biggest mistake I made [as a parent] is the one that most of us make. . .I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of [my three children] sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages six, four, and one. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing; dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less."

I like that I'm a live in the moment kind of mom--for the most part anyway. We have a basic routine that we follow, but on a lot of days, I'll completely blow the routine to savour the moment. Don't get me wrong, I have my fair share of challenges and frustrations, but I really do love "doing" what a mom does.
Just this past Sunday, I woke up early to make sure we made it to church on time, well the boys were so fun and playful that morning that I couldn't resist tickling, wrestling, and playing with them--the result I was late for church. Case and the kids made it on time, but not me.Would I trade the opening hymn for those sweet giggles? Not ever!!
*I am NOT advocating missing church or even being late--just giving an example!!
WOW--that was so HARD for me!!! Hopefully it will get easier!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Where Are They??

All day I've been wondering...where are they? Where are the magic little fairies that are suppose to come clean your house, cook dinner, and take care of the kids when both the parents in the house are passed out on the couch with a horrible case of the stomach flu. Not only are the parents passed out, but two of the four kids are suffering from the same thing. Oh my gosh--this has been the longest day of my life!! I've had several offers from family and friends for help, but really, how can I expose anyone to this awfulness?? Annie's offer was the best. Can I bring Lou Lou lunch? I'll just leave it on the front porch and call you when I'm far far away!! It turns out we didn't need her because Lou Lou is really good at making herself peanut butter sandwiches.
Poor Buggie, he still has the worst case of diarrhea, but even he knows if he wants to be changed, he's gotta tell us with a diaper and wipes in hand.
Finally, everyone is asleep. I'm on the couch watching a great chick flick hoping I fall asleep and that I don't have any conversations with the porcelain king tonight.
Why am I on the couch you ask? I can't risk hearing Casey throw up. He is so loud and sounds like he's dying. It's far too disturbing for me.
Anyway, here's to wishing my family well!! (And thanking my lucky stars that the chick flick I have recorded is NOT August Rush--one of the worst movies I've ever recorded and watched).

Thursday, March 12, 2009

And----It's Back to Reality

I am sitting here at work with reality smacking me in the face and I'm totally wishing I were someplace else--someplace quiet and stress-free, someplace peaceful and beautiful. Yes, I'm wishing I was at the temple. Two days ago we took the girls to the Draper Temple open house. It was so wonderful to show them the temple and feel the spirit with the girls. Yesterday our Relief Society celebrated the RS birthday by giving a day of service and sacrifice in the temple. I thought 8 hours straight in the temple would just drag, but it flew by. It was such a wonderful day and now I find myself longing to go back. My cup has been so full the last couple of days and now I sit here dealing with people lying to me, screaming at me because their insurance won't pay, mad at me because they are late on their payments and I'm thinking that I wish I were in the temple!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Now I Know

I could never quite figure out how women could so completely and totally mess up on their
eyeliner. Even I don't have a steady hand and I manage to get it on straight. Well, I tried
liquid eyeliner--and now I get it. Definately not for amateurs.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Dear Body,
You have been acting extremely strange the last few months. You've been going around acting like something you're not. I think it's time that somebody told you just how ridiculous this behavior is. Seeing how we're so close, I think I should be the one to do it. You are NOT pregnant anymore!! There I said it--are you paying attention. There is nothing in there, so please return to normal. I have a closet full of clothes that are longing to reconnect with you. I think it must be somewhat my fault because I did tell Case months ago that I might as well hurry and have another. I have also been spoiling you with the comfiest of jammies and sweatshirts. But enough is enough! It's time to let go....please let go--please. You are not pregnant and you will not be for quite some time, so please can't we just go back to the way things were?

I've Never........

Ok, one of my New Year resolutions is that every month I'm going to pick something that I've never done and do it. I keep thinking of a lot of things, but then forget them, so I'm getting them down, so I can remember....let me know if you have any good ideas--actually, I don't think anybody even knows about this blog.....
Here goes
1. Dye my hair (I know, I know, I just might be the only 33 year old on the planet who hasn't ever dyed her hair)
2. Eat at the Cheesecake Factory (I never said they were spectacular things)
3. Piece together a quilt (I actually got a start on this today!!)

(I'll add the rest as I remember them)