Friday, May 1, 2009


It seriously feels like my hubby is fast becoming a stranger. We have spent 5 of the last 6 weeks with some serious sick bugs at our house. When we're full of bugs, it's ALL about the kids. The boys just cry and cry. They cry if you pick them up, they cry if you put them down, they cry if you even turn your head---and they don't sleep well. I've had my fair share of all-nighters this last month. To make matters worse, Case and I keep getting sick and we seem to be bad on the same days. It's all we can do to keep things together sometimes. The other thing that has been hard is that ALL 4 of them were sick at the same time and 4 kids and 1 lap just don't mix. By the time I got the kids to the doc and diagnosed on Monday, I was at my whits end--I was averaging about 2 hours of sleep a night for the last few nights. As soon as I found out everyone was really sick, I got in my car and started crying because I was so relieved to know what was wrong and I was ready for medicine!!!
That night, Case and I were kind of short with each other because the constant crying was really getting nerve-racking. We couldn't take it out on the kids, so we were kind of taking it out on each other. The next morning I woke up to find an email from Case saying when he got home from work, I was to get out of the house and not come home until I was ready. I started to cry when I read that because I knew Case was just as exhausted as me and it meant the world to me that he realized how bad things had been and he wanted me to feel some relief. I went to the office at 8:00 that night and stayed until 5:30 am--it felt so good to be busy and to actually see a task get completed. Even though things have been horrible this week, all I can think about is Case thinking of me. That actually makes things seem all better.
It has been a long week. I've been pretty sick, so I've been sleeping on the couch, so I don't get Case sick. Tonight I went in to kiss him goodnight and he was like "what are you doing." Yes, we've been sooo preoccupied with sick kids that a kiss goodnight was totally out of the norm. I think I need to plan a fun night to get to know this stranger I call my husband. Maybe then, I'll feel like a wife again too because right now, I feel like a professional snot wiper.