Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Mother's Day Wish

I know the girls have made me Mothers Day presents at school and they are so excited to give them to me. The other night, Hallie asked me what I wanted Daddy to give me for Mother's Day. As soon as she asked, I immediately had this thought come into my brain---I just want to spend the whole Saturday playing with my kids and just being a MOM!!! No cooking, no cleaning, no yardwork, no billing, no errands, nothing, but playing with the kids. Case told me I better make sure everything else is done by Friday night.....whatever!! I can't wait to spend the day reading books, playing games, running outside and doing whatever else the kids want to do with ME!! Hallie told me she would make sure there was no fighting, so I could have a great day taking care of my children. Yay--I can't wait. This will be the best Mothers Day ever!!


Melissa S. said...

If I remember right I think you say that EVERY year for Mother's Day and your b-day, that that's exactly what you want. HAVE FUN!

Rachael said...

That sounds like the best day ever!!! Love every minute of it!