Today is Casey's 34th birhday, so in honor of that I'm going to do all the husbands tags that have been thrown my way the last few months. I'm combining them in to the biggest tag ever. So, here is everything you probably never wanted to know about Case.......
1. How did you meet? A blind date---set up by one of his former flames
2. When is your engagement anniversary? December 5th
3. When is your wedding anniversary? March 9, 2001
4. How long have you known your spouse? 9 years
5. How long did you date before you got engaged? 5 months before we set the date, 7 months before it was "official" with a ring
6. What is your spouses full name? Casey R.A. Smith (yes, he has initials for a middle name)
7. Who said I love you first? Me
8. Do you have any kids? Yes--4
9. What do you like to do together? Watch sports and travel
10. Do you have a favorite vacation spot? Um...we wish we traveled enough to actually have a favorite spot!
11. Where did you go for your honeymoon? Kauai--it was so fun.
12. Where were you married? SLC Temple
13. What is your favorite feature of his? His smile
14. What is your favorite quality of his? His optimism, that he's a hardworker, his priorities, he's very nonjudgmental and that he rarely says anything negative about anyone.
15. Does he have a nickname for you? Babelicious, Lish, Sweetie
16. What is his favorite food? Pizza or anything that is so freakin hot I can't even look at it. Note: Neither one of his choices are things that I cook!
17. What is his favorite sport? Golf, but he loves to play all sports
18. When and where was your first kiss? On the couch at his parents house--one month after we started dating-.
19. Does he have a hidden talent? He can sing Rubber Duckie like noone else and my kids love it
20. What's his favorite type of music? 80's rock--yea baby!!
21. What do you admire most about him? That he takes such good care of our kids. He always wants to spend time with them. He's a FABULOUS daddy and that means the most to me.
22. Who is taller? Him--unless I have on a great pair of heels then I am
23. Who is smarter? That depends on the subject!
24. Who is more sensitive? ME ME ME
25. Who does the laundry? Both of us. If I get behind he'll keep on switching loads for me and dump them into my folding pile. I do all the folding and all the ironing except his--he's too picky and I get so nervous I railroad track his sleeves and stuff. He also helps me put the laundry away because I LOVE to do the wash and fold the clothes, but I hate hate hate to put it away.
26. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Case
27. Who pays the bills? Me
28. Who cooks more? ME--although Case is getting really good at pancakes, peanut butters, and mac n cheese.
29. Who is more stubborn? We both are that's for sure
30. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Me--he would never admit to anything unless I do it first. That took me a couple years to figure out, but now even if I KNOW I'm right and I know he KNOWS I'm right, I still apologize first. I guess that makes him more stubborn!
31. Who is more clean? Is there such a thing with 4 kids??
32. Who wears the pants? I think we have a very equal partnership. That's one of the things I love best about our relationship
33. Who eats more sweets? ME
34. Guilty pleasures? Ben and Jerry's half-baked ice cream!
OK--if you actually read all that I'm impressed. Now I don't have to feel guilty about all these lingering tags.
Happy Birthday Sweetie!! I love your guts!!!