Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Where Are They??

All day I've been wondering...where are they? Where are the magic little fairies that are suppose to come clean your house, cook dinner, and take care of the kids when both the parents in the house are passed out on the couch with a horrible case of the stomach flu. Not only are the parents passed out, but two of the four kids are suffering from the same thing. Oh my gosh--this has been the longest day of my life!! I've had several offers from family and friends for help, but really, how can I expose anyone to this awfulness?? Annie's offer was the best. Can I bring Lou Lou lunch? I'll just leave it on the front porch and call you when I'm far far away!! It turns out we didn't need her because Lou Lou is really good at making herself peanut butter sandwiches.
Poor Buggie, he still has the worst case of diarrhea, but even he knows if he wants to be changed, he's gotta tell us with a diaper and wipes in hand.
Finally, everyone is asleep. I'm on the couch watching a great chick flick hoping I fall asleep and that I don't have any conversations with the porcelain king tonight.
Why am I on the couch you ask? I can't risk hearing Casey throw up. He is so loud and sounds like he's dying. It's far too disturbing for me.
Anyway, here's to wishing my family well!! (And thanking my lucky stars that the chick flick I have recorded is NOT August Rush--one of the worst movies I've ever recorded and watched).


Rachael said...

Jod!!! I'm so sorry!!! I hope you guys all feel better soon!