Monday, August 11, 2008

Skinny gods

Ok, I swear the "skinny gods" HATE me. I just started my THF program today and I KNOW they just can't let me get skinny and I have proof.
#1 Case is in Cali for work and is suppose to come home tomorrow night. He got a call this afternoon telling him that his boss would like him to stay until next Monday!! How am I suppose to get to the gym if he can't watch the kids???
#2 I was grilling my chicken and my grill ran out of propane.
#3 I thought "no problem, I'll just use my indoor grill." Yeah right!!! I couldn't find the plug anywhere.
#4 Next option...broil the chicken. Too bad my broiler pan is nowhere to be found. I was NOT going to fry my chicken---just a tip.....microwaved chicken is just as gross as it sounds.
I'm embarassed to say I don't have a clue how to change the propane tank. It's just a given in our relationship that I wipe off the kitchen counters and scrub the toilets and Casey mows the lawn and changes the propane tank. Anything else is fair game.
#5 I'm grill-less for the week and I grill a lot on this program.

My retaliation:
#1 I ate the microwaved chicken
#2 I somehow managed to get a decent work-out at home
#3 I will change the propane tank myself!!

I am not going to let anything get me off course!!


Melissa S. said...

OK, so you REALLY need to invest in a gym that watches your kids for you so you don't always have to wait for Casey!!! I hated going to the gym when Brooks was home because then I missed that time with the whole family together....... and PROPANE TANK?!?! I don't know how to do those either, let alone, I can't even lift them. You seriously can't find your Forman plug?!? Bummer.
That's funny you made a separate blog for your ventings and thoughts. I was wondering why, but then as Hallie starts reading, etc. I guess she doesn't need to know all your thoughts. :)
Oh yea, and WHAT are you thinking with the 100 days no treats? Isn't that a little extreme? Do you get a free day of the week or anything? PLEASE don't tell Brooks you're disciplined enough to follow that program, because I sure as heck know I couldn't do it. I would hate to find out what my body would do for withdrawls!